Snippet 5: Degeneration, Ghost Squadron #4


Jack Renfro’s Office, QBS ArchAngel , Behemoth System.

“I’m not sure that I asked for your input,” Jack said to the empty office when Julianna and Eddie entered.

They both paused and regarded each other with a bit of confusion.

“I believe you said, ‘why can’t I ever find anything in this place,’” ArchAngel said overhead with an amused tone.

Jack’s desk was, as usual, covered in papers and folders. He used a tablet often, but also seemed partial to paper at times. Julianna kind of found it endearing. He was an incredibly strategic thinker, evolved in his problem-solving approaches, and yet he liked holding a paper report in his hands.

He shook his head at the AI, rolling his eyes for Julianna and Eddie to see. “It’s an expression. It doesn’t mean that I’m looking for you to provide a solution.”

“But my job is to make your job easier. I’m always looking for solutions,” said ArchAngel. She was playing with him, trying to get under his skin, and judging by the look on his face, it was working.

“I believe I was in my office alone, working. Is there no privacy here?” Now Jack sounded like he was playing ArchAngel’s game, a slight bit of amusement in his tone.

“There’s no privacy anywhere on this ship,” said the AI. “Which is why you should know that the Captain and the Commander have been drinking prior to this scheduled meeting.”

Eddie turned to Julianna, shaking his head. “Isn’t she a doll?”

“Simply delightful,” she said, almost laughing.

Jack sorted through a stack of papers on his desk, craning his neck to look under them. “I think my office could use some organization,” he admitted.

“I told you so,” said ArchAngel.

Jack shook his head. “I knew you were going to say that.”

Julianna did laugh now. “It’s like you two are married.”

“Maybe you should get out more often, Jack,” Eddie said.

Jack looked up from the papers and sighed. “I think you’re right. Something is wrong with me if my most intimate relationship is with a two-hundred year old AI.”

No talking for you, Julianna said in her own head, preemptively cutting Pip off.

            What? I wasn’t going to say anything, he lied.

            Well, there’s a first.

I mean, I might have said that you can relate. And as far as getting action goes, I’m about the closest thing to your boyfriend.

A shiver ran over Julianna. Do not. I repeat, do not ever describe yourself as my boyfriend.

I noted that shiver. I don’t know why you have to be so rude. I’d be real good to you, Jules. I’d whisper sweet things in your ear.

Julianna gritted her teeth, but smiled still. Pip had gotten more playful like this since evolving. It was kind of cute, but she liked pretending that she hated it.

I’m seriously considering having you removed from my head.

Oh! I have a better idea. Why don’t you have me paired with the Captain as well? That way I can share a space in both of your heads. I can help you, if you know what I mean. Wink, wink.

There was a silence while Julianna cringed.

            You do know what I mean? I’m winking right now, said Pip with a laugh.

            I don’t know what you mean. And having you bouncing back and forth between the two of us might make me crazy.

You’ll warm to the idea. It’s a good one. Think of all the fun we could have.

            I’m thinking about it and nothing fun is coming to mind, just endless annoyance.

Sure, sure, Pip said, a hint of mischief in his voice. Oh, and you don’t have to worry about me crossing the platonic boundary. You’re not my type.

A moment later, Pip added, at all.

            Do you have a crush on ArchAngel, is that it?

Pip made an audible shiver noise. Are you kidding me? That woman would have me by the balls. I wouldn’t be able to glance at another AI without asking permission.

Wow, you now have balls. Things have come so far.

It’s figurative language, dear Julianna.

Jack was still ruffling through papers, looking overwhelmed. Eddie was peacefully whistling to himself, leaning back in a chair. Julianna took the seat next to him, hoping that Pip was willing to grant her some peace away from his distractions. He was way more fun than he used to be, but hell if she was going to tell him that.

Balls, Pip chirped just once as Jack cleared his throat.

Julianna suppressed a laugh.

Degeneration releases January 23rd.

Jan 19, 2018 | Posted by in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Snippet 5: Degeneration, Ghost Squadron #4

Snippet 3: Degeneration, Ghost Squadron #4

Chapter Two

Felix Castile’s Office, Unsurpassed, Tangki System.

The red light from the screen on the wall cast the office in an eerie glow. Felix narrowed his eyes, his lips pushing out in a slight grimace. He’d been staring at the image on the screen for a full minute and it still didn’t make sense. That was a rarity for him.

He swiveled to face the scientist sitting across the desk. “Explain exactly what I’m looking at.”

A regurgitated laugh sputtered from the man’s mouth. Elemius was neither tall or short nor fat or thin. He was also neither attractive nor ugly. He just was, with his plain brown hair and eyes to match. His repeated chuckle fell away once he caught the look of disgust on Felix’s face.

“It’s quite simple. I assumed you were well versed on chemical compositions,” said Elemius, gliding his hand over the top of his head, nervously.

Felix sharpened his eyes at the scientist. Elemius was the best. He’d been hard to retain, and he apparently knew how critical his involvement was or otherwise he wouldn’t have been so bold.

“I’m well aware what I’m looking at, but I don’t understand exactly what it’s supposed to be,” said Felix, enunciating each word, his hostility palpable.

“Right, well, chemistry isn’t for everyone. The same is true of genetic engineering.” Elemius cleared his throat as he stood. He pointed at the screen indicating a strand of DNA. “This example shows a specimen with nanotechnology directly enhancing their system.”

“I can clearly see that,” said Felix, his voice sharp.

“Right, of course you do,” said Elemius in a patronizing fashion.  “The specimen has additionally been hit with a toxin that degenerates the subject’s cells on a continuous basis.  I call it ‘degen’ for short.”

“That’s the reason for the change in the appearance of the DNA sample?” asked Felix. Now this was starting to make sense. He had guessed something was off, but couldn’t pinpoint it.

“Precisely,” stated Elemius. “Degen overwhelms a center in the body, continuously breaking down the cell membrane, attracting the attention of the nanocytes. As they flee to fix this area, they . This, in turn, stops the nanocytes from enhancing existing cells. That means the subject is unable to heal quickly, fight certain diseases, or revitalize the body. They begin to age naturally as well. So long as the nanocytes are occupied, they remain incapable of performing their original tasks.”

“You’ve distracted them, in essence,” said Felix.

“Correct,” said Elemius. “Which means, if the subject is attacked then they are unable to recover.”

“They are purely human, then?” asked Felix.

“Yes. Once degen is administered the subject is fully human. They will have zero enhanced abilities. No increased speed, strength or healing abilities. Degen degrades a person with nanocyte technology back to their former self.”

“What if they are put back through the process? Upgraded using a pod doc?” asked Felix, unwilling to celebrate this near success just yet.

Elemius held up a single finger, a triumphant look on his face. “It wouldn’t work. Degen will again attract the nanocyctes, rendering them useless. Its draw is too strong, and once it has the nanocyctes, then it holds them hostage.”

“So there is no way to reverse degen?” asked Felix.

Elemius shrugged. “I’m guessing there could be a way. Destroy the toxin in the system, but it would be incredibly difficult.”

Felix allowed a small smile that spoke of his satisfaction. This was it. Finally he’d figured out a way to destroy General Reynolds. The man was incredibly well guarded, which posed its own risks. However, even if Felix could get a hit on him, then he’d most likely recover without incident. Felix didn’t just want the General to fall, he wanted him to suffer. He wanted him to die like a normal human, vulnerable and defenseless.

Felix felt the urge to laugh. In his mind, he could see the General being stuck with degen. His eyes would be full of fear as he stared at the barrel of Felix’s gun. He’d know how fragile his body was. He’d know that he’d been beaten. He wasn’t as strong as he thought. And more than anything, most important to Felix, was that Lance Reynolds would regret what he’d done. He’d regret turning his back on Felix all those years ago.

When that regret surfaced in General Reynolds’ eyes, that’s when Felix would pull the trigger.

Degeneration releases January 23rd.


Jan 13, 2018 | Posted by in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Snippet 3: Degeneration, Ghost Squadron #4

Snippet 1: Degeneration, Ghost Squadron #4

Chapter One

Planet Sagano, Behemoth System.

Heat blasted Eddie in the face as he ducked under some fallen trees, and he stayed in a crouch as he sprinted through the burning jungle. The fire at his back was growing in intensity, although the crews had been fighting it for days.

A loud crack overhead tore his attention in that direction. The fire had overwhelmed a large stand of trees, which fell in on each other until the largest chose the direction they were going to fall. Eddie rolled to the side, dirt and ash raining down on him as the burning trees hit the ground exactly where he’d been.

He didn’t pause, but rather dashed forward to clear the next part of the burning forest. His vision blurred from his incredible speed, and his feet hardly felt as though they touched the soft ground before rising again.

Flames licked the side of a building, having jumped from some nearby branches, but Eddie sped up the ladder to the house, which had been built on stilts. Entering a burning building was one thing, but entering one that was held up by wooden poles in the middle of a forest fire was something else entirely. None of this seemed at all like a good idea.

Too bad he didn’t have a choice.

The trap door at the top opened and then slammed over as Eddie spilled into the jungle hut. He scanned the room, and the smoke burned his eyes. The living space was open but there were some rooms at the back, so he ran in that direction while wiping tears out of his eyes.

He kicked the first door open and searched the room, which was empty. The structure rocked, probably from the fire consuming the front of the house, which was where the next set of rooms was located.

Without hesitating, Eddie darted for the next room and rammed his shoulder into the door, ripping it off its hinges. He still wasn’t used to his enhanced strength. After all, he’d only had this body for a short time.

Eddie pivoted to the adjacent wall and shot his foot straight at the door. The following area was empty at first glance and fire licked through the open window, spilling smoke into the space. Eddie covered his face from the blaze and was just about to turn back when something caught his eyes.

On the far side of the room between the wall and the bed was a small boy.

Thank the fucking stars! Eddie thought, relief swelling in his chest. “Come on!” yelled Eddie, extending a hand to the kid, who was about four years old. The boy’s large eyes stared at the intruding fire, and his face was swollen and red from the heat.

Degeneration releases January 23rd.

Jan 9, 2018 | Posted by in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Snippet 1: Degeneration, Ghost Squadron #4

Snippet 5: Evolution, Ghost Squadron #3


Alpha-line Q-Ship, Federation Border Station 7 Airspace, Lorialis System
“That’s the Omega-line? It doesn’t look any different than this Q-Ship,” said Lars from the copilot seat.
“That’s kind of the point,” said Eddie. “The differences are on the inside.” He pulled the controls to the side as Julianna maneuvered the other ship, the one Hatch had just created, up next to them. “Strong Arm,” he said, using Julianna’s call sign, “you wanna show Carnivore what that baby can do?”
“I thought you’d never ask,” said Julianna over the comm. The Q-Ship she was flying punched out at breakneck speed, leaving the other behind.
“Whoa, it can definitely move,” remarked Lars. “I’ll admit that’s impressive, but I thought the new line had some out-of-this-world features?” The Kezzin gave Eddie a sideways glance that showed his disappointment.
Eddie activated the thrusters to send their own Q-Ship racing after Julianna. “Just wait. There’s another feature you have to see in action.”
“Carnivore, did you just say ‘out-of-this-world’ while we’re racing through space?” asked Julianna.
Eddie snickered. “He’s been sheltered, so give him a break. We’ll teach him some fun references.”
A laugh echoed across the comm. “Don’t learn your lingo from Blackbeard.”
“Hey, I know things!” argued Eddie.
“If you three are done shooting the breeze, our target is ahead,” said Pip.
“’Shooting the breeze?’” asked Eddie, activating the second thruster to catch up with Julianna.
“Yes, it’s one of the many weird things about his new evolution,” said Julianna, a sudden edge to her voice.
Eddie shot Lars a look and raised his eyebrow but said nothing, and Lars returned the glance with a slight shrug.
“Target spotted,” said Lars, checking the radar. Julianna, as planned, had made an arc around the upcoming Black Eagle.
“That puppy is slow. It must have been kept in a rusty garage since it was decommissioned.” Eddie sent the Q-Ship toward the flying target, doubling his speed.
“Strong Arm, we are approaching and will be in position soon,” Lars informed Julianna.
“Fifteen seconds,” supplied Pip.
“Almost there,” muttered Eddie.
“Target’s fuel reserves are low. Engines have failed twice,” Pip informed them.
Lars flipped two switches overhead before adjusting his microphone. “Defiance Trading Company, we’ve determined that your spacecraft is in distress. We’re a Ronin tow craft, and we offer assistance.”
There was no answer over the static-filled comm, but the gray Black Eagle immediately spun in the opposite direction. For a moment it looked like it would stall, but the engines kicked back on and it shot forward.
“We’ve got a runner,” said Eddie, sitting up.
“Your engines are failing, Defiance. We can help you. We mean you no harm,” said Lars over the comm.
Another voice finally answered. “I don’t need any help. I’ve got a rescue craft already on the way.”
Eddie sent the Q-Ship after the Black Eagle and quickly caught up. The craft in front of them came to an automatic halt, causing Eddie had to swerve the Q-Ship around it. He overshot it by a short distance before doubling back and hovering just in front of the old craft.
“Fuel levels on Defiant ship are nearly depleted,” said Pip.
“How long could he idle?” asked Eddie.
“Three hours, roughly,” said Pip.
“I don’t have three hours to hang around here,” remarked Eddie. “This idiot needs to realize we aren’t the bad guys.”
“Unless he turns out to be an enemy, and then we’ll fuck him up,” said Julianna.
“There you are, Strong Arm. What say we end this already?” Eddie and Lars were only thirty meters from the other ship, close enough for a visual, and Eddie leaned forward to look into the Black Eagle. The murky dust covering the windows made it impossible to discern a figure, though.
“There’s a problem,” said Pip over the comm.
“Of course there is. Wouldn’t be a party without one,” said Eddie, not at all deterred.
“Fuel level is rising,” informed the AI
“How is that possible? You said it was near zero,” said Lars.
“It shouldn’t be possible,” said Eddie. “Maybe there was a malfunction with the gauge.” As soon as the last word left his mouth the rogue Black Eagle zoomed forward again in another attempt to get away. It wasn’t going to work, but the last-ditch effort was kind of cute. Eddie flew straight after it and kept pace.
“Have you guys been looking for me?” asked Julianna. Eddie couldn’t see her out the window, but a quick glance at the radar told him that she was hovering just above the Black Eagle.
“There you are!” Eddie chuckled. “Lars, tell this guy we’ve got him surrounded. You’ve got a nice voice, so I’m sure it’ll sound comforting.”
Lars shot Eddie a strange look. “’Comforting?’ Do I really?”
“Like an old grandmother,” Eddie assured him.
“If she had smoked for forty years,” added Julianna.
“Are you sure you want me to say we have him surrounded?” asked Lars. “We only have two ships.”
Keeping his hands on the controls, Eddie nodded. “Just do it.”
Without another question, Lars flipped a switch. “Defiance, we have you surrounded and we mean you no harm. Allow us to tow you from here.”
“I’m not falling for your bullshit. Just leave me alone.” The voice crackled through the staticky comm.
“Testy little tyke, isn’t he?” asked Eddie. “Strong Arm, we’re ready for you to graduate to the next phase.”
“Copy,” said Julianna. “Initiating. Be ready for next phase in three, two…and one.”
In front of the racing Black Eagle another Q-Ship appeared, and Lars’ eyes widened with shock. Eddie had wanted to tell him about this part beforehand, but he had also wanted it to be a surprise. He wagered there was no danger in that.
Lars whipped his gaze to the radar. Another ship had appeared behind the Black Eagle and almost at once the fleeing ship slowed, stalling once more before coming to a near-halt. A second later two more Q-Ships materialized on each side of the Black Eagle.
Lars flicked off the comm, disconnecting them from the Defiance ship. “I’m guessing those aren’t enemy ships, based on the smile on your face.”
“Those aren’t even ships,” said Eddie proudly.
Lars stared at the vessel just in front of the Black Eagle. “Huh? They look like ships.”
“Holograms are funny like that,” said Eddie.
“Holograms?” sputtered Lars. “Strong Arm, are you doing that?”
Julianna answered right away. “Yes, they’re projections. After the right modifications, Hatch was able to make them appear as actual ships on the radar too. Just one of many upgrades to this Omega-line Q-Ship.”
“Damn, that’s remarkable,” said Lars.
“Looks like it’s time to bring this guy in,” said Eddie. “Finally.”
“Finally?” questioned Julianna. “This took a whole five minutes—you’re so impatient. But yes, let’s bring him in and end this.”
Lars nodded, flipping the comm switch. “Defiance, we’re sending out tow cables. Cooperate, and you will not be harmed.”
There was no reply as Eddie fed out the cables and locked them securely into place. After they had been reinforced, Eddie signaled Julianna. “Strong Arm, we’re all set. Meet you back at ArchAngel.”
The Q-Ship projections disappeared from around the Black Eagle. “Copy,” responded Julianna. “I’ll be waiting with a welcome gift for our guest.”
“Freshly baked muffins?” asked Eddie, mock hope in his voice.
“With fucking crumble on top,” said Julianna.

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Dec 19, 2017 | Posted by in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Snippet 5: Evolution, Ghost Squadron #3

Snippet 3: Evolution, Ghost Squadron #3

Chapter Two

Officers Lounge, QBS ArchAngel, Lorialis System

“You’re kidding me,” said Eddie, pulling back his arm and launching the dart forward. It whirled through the air, sticking hard into the board, a few centimeters from the bullseye.

Lars took the position where Eddie had been. “I’m not kidding you. Marilla says these aliens are telepathic. Isn’t that bizarre?” He threw his own dart and it landed on one of the numbers that bordered the target.

“I definitely don’t want to meet any those guys,” remarked Eddie. “I don’t need some alien in my thoughts.” He picked up a dart and twirled it in his fingers. The idea of having someone in his head, like Julianna had with Pip, was a bit strange. Sure, there were the obvious perks to it, depending on the circumstances, but Eddie wasn’t sure how he’d feel about an AI listening to the things that went on in his mind, let alone an alien.

Maybe that’s why Julianna had gotten rid of her last AI, Ricky Bobby. Eddie had been silently investigating the whole thing for a while now, ever since Pip became sentient. Julianna acted happy about the evolution, but there was something else going on. He could sense it in little ways. It wasn’t so much what she said, but what she didn’t say. When Eddie discovered Ricky Bobby’s existence, it came as a shock. For as well as he knew her, Julianna had never spoken about her former AI companion, despite how long she and Ricky Bobby had worked together.

Eddie wanted to approach her about this, but had yet to do so. He wasn’t sure why. Maybe he just didn’t know if it was his place.

“Yeah, I know,” said Lars. “One or two telepaths is one thing, but an entire species boggles my mind.” The Kezzin soldier watched as Eddie took his shot. Again, he narrowly missed the bullseye.

Lars didn’t bother lining up for his next shot. He haphazardly threw the dart, and it didn’t even make it on the board.

Eddie whistled through his teeth. “Damn, I’m glad you fly better than you shoot. Otherwise, you’d have been wasted by now.”

Lars shook his head. He realized he was being sloppy. It had been like this in recent weeks during his down time. That was the only opportunity that he had to let his mind wander, and it always shot back to the Brotherhood. Seeing the army that Commander Lytes had put together overwhelmed Lars whenever he thought about it, and he couldn’t help but dwell. Maybe he didn’t know those soldiers, but they were still his fellow Kezzin. They were his brothers.

He wondered about his family, too. Had his brother been required to join, once Lars had left? He didn’t like to think about that, but it was difficult to control his thoughts. Doubts and fears were tricky things to control. The moment you thought you had a handle on them was the moment they consumed you.

The screen on an adjacent wall flickered on, Chester’s pale face looking out at Eddie and Lars. “There you are, Captain,” he said, beaming. “I have something I think you should take a look at.”

Eddie, unflustered, pulled back his arm and released it with the dart. It stuck straight into the bullseye this time. Casually. As though he had planned this, he turned to the monitor. “I’ll be right over. Have you paged Commander Fregin yet?”

“Yes, she’s on her way here,” said Chester, running his hands through his spikey blond hair.

“Very well.” Eddie slapped Lars on the shoulder as he turned to leave. “Keep practicing, brother. One of these days you’ll be able to beat me.”

Lars smirked, showing his razor-sharp teeth. “Challenge accepted.”

Evolution releases December 21st.

Dec 13, 2017 | Posted by in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Snippet 3: Evolution, Ghost Squadron #3