Tuesday Takeover: It’s All About Connections by Derek Borne

Have you ever wondered how you were going to get from your comfortable point A to the seemingly impossible point B? I’m not talking in an automotive kind of way of course, but in the ‘author world’ where you need to have a book cover artist, editor, formatter, personal pizza delivery guy from the Amalfi coast… hey, the Italian in me can dream, right?

 Well, there’s a simple trick to all of that.

 You ready?

 Make some friends. It’s as easy as that. With social media being as vast as it is, with the number of authors there are on social media, chances are pretty big that you could end up befriending quite a few and gaining some great connections in the process.

Personally, being a ‘newbie’ in this author world, for the most part I had no idea of what I was doing. Everything felt immensely overwhelming.

 Taking a full on plunge, I joined some groups. BOD (Band of Dystopian Authors) was the first of a few, and for the first while it kinda felt like I was floating around in there. Eventually, another step had to be taken. New people?? Gah, as social as one can be, it’s still a bit nerve wracking to press that ‘friend request’ button, and hope that they don’t creep your Facebook page first to see how weird you really are.

 But getting to know people is one of the best things you can do. Once you start making connections, you’ll find that in a way, you’re building a super-team of people that have different abilities or connections of their own that can help you out.

 Some have the power to help you generate a following, others could harness the ability to have a great eye and catch things in your work that you never even thought of. Then there are those who have the invaluable talent of moral support, which gives you what feels like super strength to get through whatever the ‘author world’ can throw at you.

 Whether you’re trying to save a bridge from collapsing in Sydney, Australia, or an aspiring author trying to get your name out there, don’t be afraid to make some friends. Build yourself a super-team of connections.

 Plus, who doesn’t love a good team-up?



Derek Borne is the author of the “Ultimate Agent” series, due to be released later this year. Discover his world of superheroes and espionage at www.derekborne.weebly.com


Aug 16, 2016 | Posted by in Author, sci-fi, Writer | Comments Off on Tuesday Takeover: It’s All About Connections by Derek Borne

Tuesday Takeover: What Does It Mean To Be A Hero? by Derek Borne

Derek graphic

What does it mean to be a hero? It’s a question that’s been asked many times.

 Do you need super powers? A utility belt? The earnest want to seek justice on whoever stole the last slice of pizza?

 To delve deeper into the subject, you’ll find that the answer is something that can be answered with a simple question.

 “Have you changed someone’s life?”

 Whether big or small, we can all find ways to bring change to this world. They say it takes fewer muscles to smile than to frown, and something so small can have a big impact on someone’s day.

 Now let’s up the ante.

 Perhaps you come across a total stranger in need of assistance of some sort, and you have the ability to be the help they need. Would you simply walk by and say “Hey, good luck with that” or even remain silent? Sure, it’s easy enough to give a lost driver directions to where they need to go. Most likely because we know we’ll never have to see that person again because they’re from out of town.

 So why is it so hard to be the change that’s needed? Are we afraid to be someone’s hero?

 For us authors, we always hope that our written words will change and inspire. I can guarantee you that writing and describing things for a living becomes very hard to do when we receive amazing reviews and messages from you, our loyal fans.

 But even though we’ve written a book that may have “changed” your life, we’ll never feel like the heroes that we write about in our stories. We simply do what we do because we love doing it. We don’t have to, but we do it anyways.

 And isn’t that something we should all live by? Say it with me: “I don’t have to, but I have the ability to do it anyways.”

You don’t have to be like Roya Stark from the sci-fi Lucidite series, or Wynter Reeves from the new dystopian “Ultraxenopia” by M.A. Phipps, or Devon Bertrand from the upcoming “Ultimate Agent” series by yours truly. The way I see it, we all have the ability to show what it means to be a true hero.

 You don’t have to, but will you do it anyways? Why not be someone’s hero today?

Derek Borne is the author of the “Ultimate Agent” series, due to be released later this year. Discover his world of superheroes and espionage at www.derekborne.weebly.com




Artwork provided by Choolee.

Jan 26, 2016 | Posted by in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Tuesday Takeover: What Does It Mean To Be A Hero? by Derek Borne