Author’s Notes – Rebels, The Reverians Series, #2

Thank you to all the readers out there who have taken a chance on my books. Thank you for picking up this series. I know that your time and energy are valuable and you chose to spend a little of that on me. I write because I have to. But you read because you choose to. And your support has enabled me to make a career of writing. This has provided for my family, allowed me to tell stories and experience endless moments of joy.

Again, I’m writing you these author notes ten years after finishing this series. And that’s given me ten years to think about the ending of this book. It’s also given me ten years to receive emails and messages from readers. I’ve heard about the tears and pains. I know that Rogue dying scarred many, just as it did to me so long ago. I’m not sure I’m over Rogue’s death yet.

This is why author notes are important. I should have said this a long time ago. Maybe it would have helped. Maybe not. But the truth is, I knew when I started writing this series that Rogue was always going to die. I hesitated to put those first few words on a page when writing Defects, knowing that the happy, resilient Rogue Vider would perish tragically at the end of book two. I searched for another way. And maybe there could have been one, but I really don’t think so.

Rogue always had to die…

If you’re grieving now, then I’m sorry. But I’ll tell you what I’ve told others and was true for me. The antidote for this pain is reading book 3. It’s true. You’re upset right now and with good reason. But if you continue to read the series, you’ll find that Em becomes something new. This was only possible after a huge loss. She becomes braver, smarter and stronger than ever before. It is that loss that gives her new powers.

Also, the ending to book 3 is not possible in a world where Rogue lives. I can say no more. But truly, if I could have kept that man alive, I would have. He died for a reason—both in his world and in ours.

I hope you enjoy my stories.

Thanks for reading.


Sarah Noffke


Jan 15, 2025 | Posted by in Blog, dystopian | Comments Off on Author’s Notes – Rebels, The Reverians Series, #2