Tuesday Takeover: Why Audiobooks Matter by Chris Barnes

Legend tells of a boy born in 1977 who just wouldn’t sleep. The boys’ mother, try as she might, just couldn’t get a full nights rest. One day, when the boy was six, a family friend suggested to his mother that she should give the boy a cassette player, some tapes and instructions that he could listen to as much as he wanted, but that he was not to leave the room until she came to get him for breakfast. Thus began a love affair with audiobooks that would last for all eternity. The boy, of course, was me.
I’ve loved audiobooks and audio drama for nearly 35 years, I listen at night and drift off to sleep in a different world every night. World created from the minds of authors and brought to life by the voices of their narrators.

This matters.

It matters because not everyone can avail themselves of traditional methods of reading. Whether it be because of physical reasons, or because, simply, they never learned to read. I know that this might be a shocking thought, that we live in the 21st century and there are still people out there who for whatever reason still don’t have this most basic of human rights. Audio matters because we can still give people the opportunity to visit these authors worlds and lift the words from the page and make them real.

My own jump from listener to producer came in 2009. I was casting about looking for online audio dramas, when I came across Brokensea.com whose extensive catalogue was impressive to say the least. I devoured their catalogue and loved it so much that I got in touch with them about I could get involved and have a go. They gave me an audition to do, using a really crappy mic that I had lying around and picked up a role, and then another, and another and I was soon being cast in things without even having to audition any more. After a little while it became apparent that I had a little talent for both the acting side of things and the post production of shows and in 2011 I took over mixing duties for Doctor Despicables Chamber of Cinema, a short podcast that compares horror movies of similar flavours, decides which one was the worst, then offing a member of the production team. I once had to create a sound effect that created one of the rottweilers from The Omen, firing lasers from it’s eyes and spinning saw blades from it’s mouth! Good times!

Somewhere along the way though, audiobooks found me again and I was given the opportunity to start producing actual audiobooks for a small press. I did post production on three books and I decided that I was going to take the chance and start narrating myself.

It’s now 2016, I have 25 audiobook credits to my name with at least 16 titles due so far this year. I’m audible approved and have earned the moniker of ‘The Voice Of Your Nightmares’ due to my specialising in the horror genre. That’s not to say that horror is all that I am, I do have books out in other genres, but horror is where my black heart gravitates to.

The 39 year old me says “Audiobooks made me”

The 5 year old me says “Pass Another CD”

Chris Barnes is an Audio Book narrator and producer from Scotland. He has narrated several horror genre novels and is the voice of the High Moor series. You can usually find him in a small soundproofed cupboard finding new ways to terrify audiences. You can find me on:
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Chris Barnes

Mar 8, 2016 | Posted by in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Tuesday Takeover: Why Audiobooks Matter by Chris Barnes

Tuesday Takeover: What Ever Happened to Happy Science Fiction? by J.N. Chaney

JN photo - blog

Anyone who goes to the movies or reads any science fiction is probably familiar with at least one dark dystopian story. Whether or not your selection includes The Hunger Games, I Am Legend, or Wool is besides the point. You’ve probably been exposed to the genre, which means you’re at least partially familiar with the state of modern sci-fi.

I say “modern” because the truth is that science fiction hasn’t always been this depressing. Seventy years ago you’d be hard pressed to find anything as dark or engrossing as Ender’s Game, Dune, or Old Man’s War. That’s not to say that those types of books didn’t exist, but they were extremely rare. Many science fiction stories chose to focus on the science rather than the fiction, putting aside the characterizations and story elements in favor of a single idea. War of the Worlds (1989) focused entirely on an invasion from Mars, but it didn’t even bother to name its characters, including its narrator. We never know anyone’s backstory, who they are, or anything truly significant about them. If the Tom Cruise adaptation had actually been faithful to the original book, Cruise would’ve only appeared for a handful of scenes. But that’s how it was back then–science fiction was a different kind of beast.

In other words, the science and the idea were the real characters, not Joe Whatshisname, who was really only there to give exposition like a walking wikipedia article and press the imaginary buttons on the big “what if” machine. Those aren’t necessarily bad things to do, but they don’t exactly make for accessible character literature. The Time Machine was great, but when your protagonist doesn’t even have a name, it can be a little difficult for modern audiences to relate to him.

Science fiction has changed, but only because it started trying to balance both the characters and the “big idea”. To understand this change, you have to remember where our society was and where it is today. Ever since the bombs fell on Japan, most people have come to appreciate the potential horrors of technology. When scientific discovery can lead to an entire metropolitan city getting wiped off the face of the Earth in a single heartbeat, suddenly everyone’s optimism goes down the drain. Don’t even get me started on the perpetual state of fear and anxiety that arose because of the Cold War. Throughout the last several decades, our culture has become obsessed with the apocalypse. Every other day there’s some religious figure telling us the end is near. Our global media has allowed us to hear and know about every little skirmish taking place on the other side of the globe, in regions we previously would never have heard about. We look on with utter fascination, absorbing it all. It’s only natural for our culture’s literature to reflect this newfound obsession. We just can’t help ourselves.

This isn’t exactly new. People have been predicting the end of the world for thousands of years. The difference is that now we actually have a reason to talk about it, because we have the means with which to make it happen. Look at what famed dark satirist and science fiction writer Kurt Vonnegut said back in 1970:

“I thought scientists were going to find out exactly how everything worked, and then make it work better. I fully expected that by the time I was twenty-one, some scientist, maybe my brother, would have taken a color photograph of God Almighty — and sold it to Popular Mechanics magazine. Scientific truth was going to make us so happy and comfortable. What actually happened when I was twenty-one was that we dropped scientific truth on Hiroshima.”

Why is it like this? Why would we rather hear about the world blowing up than about a utopia where people are so happy they piss glitter? It all boils down to how we feel in the moment. Science fiction is a reflection of today, not tomorrow. It’s about how our culture is right now and how the person writing that story views it. If the world looks like it sucks and everything’s gone to shit, you aren’t going to see as many happy stories of Captain Spaceheart running through the cosmos saving space princesses and battling space monkeys. These people are writing stories about the future, but that future is only an extension of today, and if today isn’t turning out so well, then neither will tomorrow.

J. N. Chaney has a Master’s of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and is the author of the Amber Project. You can get J.N. Chaney’s very own dystopian science fiction novel absolutely free by going to the following link: http://jnchaney.com/stay-up-to-date/

JN Chaney

Feb 9, 2016 | Posted by in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Tuesday Takeover: What Ever Happened to Happy Science Fiction? by J.N. Chaney

Tuesday Takeover: MELISA’S QUESTION by Ben Starling

Have you ever felt a subtle pressure, heard a distant voice that undermines your Western rational-scientific upbringing? Ever had powerful dreams, fortuitous timings, Jungian synchronicities, or precognition? Maybe you experienced “the zone”, been surprised by tarot, or had some other extraordinary other-worldly experience? All my life, I have. And I ignored them.

I’ve lived my life aware of, but not consciously acknowledging that something different was going on. That was until three years ago. When everything changed.

~ ~ ~

There was something in Melisa’s voice I hadn’t heard before. It was usually so calm, but today the calmness sounded forced. Why had she missed yesterday’s Skype? And why was the video turned off? Whatever her secret, it was a big one.

Three thousand miles separated us, but that would change soon. She was getting ready to leave Canada for her favorite city in the world, London. And in a few weeks, I’d be moving into a new apartment there too. One that would suit us perfectly as we started our new life together.

“Is everything alright?” I asked.

“I—I’m sick. Very sick.”

When the flight landed, I made my way to the hospital in a quaint town on Lake Ontario’s sparkling shore. I pushed through the doors and a series of sterile corridors that led to Palliative Care, unrolled before me. There the voices were hushed and the nurses kind. The doctor spoke so quietly that I asked him to repeat what he’d said. I’d only heard something about “as little as eight weeks.” Or maybe he was shouting, and I just didn’t want to hear.

Melisa and I talked a lot; we sat in silence too, which was, at first, worse. One morning, after the doctor had upped her pain killer to something a hundred times stronger than morphine, she’d asked a question I’ll never forget. A question she came to repeat most days.  That evening, I pushed her wheelchair to a sunspot in the hospital garden. She commented that the butterflies were magnificent this year. The flowers too. Then, turning to me, she asked if I thought anyone knew the answer to her question. Or ever would. I smiled because it was just the sort of thing she liked to think about.

Every day, a little more of her slipped away. She made me promise I wouldn’t be sad. I must find someone else…get on with my life…but she hoped I wouldn’t forget her. Then she asked me to angle her bed so she could look out the window. I wondered why, as the sky looked moody that evening. Maybe she missed the colourful birds that had argued over the peanuts in the feeder earlier that day.

Moments later, the thundery clouds rolled apart and the sun bathed the hospital—her room—us—in soothing beams of silver.

“I asked for a sign,” she explained. “A sign everything would be alright.” Closing her eyes, she sighed deeply. Then she whispered her question again.

“What happens to love when we die?”

Melisa was sedated more now, and she was rarely able to talk. She had begun sleeping most of each day. One morning, the nurse told me they’d heard voices in her room. When they’d entered, she was alone. She’d told them she’d been talking to Archangel Michael. Days later, in a rare waking moment, she’d stared between the nurses tending her and said, “You’re very beautiful.” They asked who she was referring to, and she’d been surprised that they couldn’t see the angel at the end of the bed. When I felt my voice wouldn’t betray me, I asked the nurse if she’d heard of this sort of thing before. She’d said it wasn’t uncommon. Especially for spiritual people.

Twelve noon is a strange time to be overwhelmed by tiredness. But that Monday, I lay down and fell asleep instantly. I dreamed I’d ridden a motorbike up a long gravel drive to a white mansion that I wasn’t meant to enter. Standing outside, I lifted a letter from the saddle bag. The words “Death Certificate” were written on the envelope. I hesitated, wondering if I should open it; before I decided, a ringing phone woke me. It was the hospital. Melisa was gone.

Melisa’s question stayed with me. When, after many months, the numbness began to lift and I was trying to make sense of, well, everything, I cast my mind back to a conversation I’d had years earlier with a Polynesian fisherman. He’d described his vision of the afterlife.

Soon afterwards, I encountered an old school friend, whose mission is to educate people about the plight of the oceans in general and whales in particular. He challenged me to write a book that was powerful, different—that above all, offered hope. So I began to tie together the many strands I was thinking about. I was, if you like, finally acknowledging the subtle pressure; I was listening to the distant voice.

Something in the Water is the result, and it’s dedicated to Melisa. Surprisingly, it wasn’t hard to write. 115,000 words without writer’s block is, I’m told, most unusual. Impossible, even. But what do we really know about the impossible?

What I do know is that while it’s a work of fiction, it’s also the product of observation, research and conviction. It explores love and interconnectedness, death too.  

As the pieces fell into place, it helped me see a silver lining. I hope it also helps anyone who has lost a loved one.

Back to Melisa’s question: What happens to love after death? I hope that Something in the Water goes some way towards providing an answer.

An answer that she, of course, already knows.

What do you think happens to love after we die?

Ben Starling is passionate about marine conservation and boxing, both central themes in his novels. His interest in marine life has taken him across three continents over the past three decades. Starling is the author of two Romance novels, Something in the Air and Something in the Water. Get his first book free here.



Feb 1, 2016 | Posted by in Uncategorized | 1 comment

Tuesday Takeover: What Does It Mean To Be A Hero? by Derek Borne

Derek graphic

What does it mean to be a hero? It’s a question that’s been asked many times.

 Do you need super powers? A utility belt? The earnest want to seek justice on whoever stole the last slice of pizza?

 To delve deeper into the subject, you’ll find that the answer is something that can be answered with a simple question.

 “Have you changed someone’s life?”

 Whether big or small, we can all find ways to bring change to this world. They say it takes fewer muscles to smile than to frown, and something so small can have a big impact on someone’s day.

 Now let’s up the ante.

 Perhaps you come across a total stranger in need of assistance of some sort, and you have the ability to be the help they need. Would you simply walk by and say “Hey, good luck with that” or even remain silent? Sure, it’s easy enough to give a lost driver directions to where they need to go. Most likely because we know we’ll never have to see that person again because they’re from out of town.

 So why is it so hard to be the change that’s needed? Are we afraid to be someone’s hero?

 For us authors, we always hope that our written words will change and inspire. I can guarantee you that writing and describing things for a living becomes very hard to do when we receive amazing reviews and messages from you, our loyal fans.

 But even though we’ve written a book that may have “changed” your life, we’ll never feel like the heroes that we write about in our stories. We simply do what we do because we love doing it. We don’t have to, but we do it anyways.

 And isn’t that something we should all live by? Say it with me: “I don’t have to, but I have the ability to do it anyways.”

You don’t have to be like Roya Stark from the sci-fi Lucidite series, or Wynter Reeves from the new dystopian “Ultraxenopia” by M.A. Phipps, or Devon Bertrand from the upcoming “Ultimate Agent” series by yours truly. The way I see it, we all have the ability to show what it means to be a true hero.

 You don’t have to, but will you do it anyways? Why not be someone’s hero today?

Derek Borne is the author of the “Ultimate Agent” series, due to be released later this year. Discover his world of superheroes and espionage at www.derekborne.weebly.com




Artwork provided by Choolee.

Jan 26, 2016 | Posted by in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Tuesday Takeover: What Does It Mean To Be A Hero? by Derek Borne